Its been a couple of weeks now without a race in Yorkshire so the Sheffield Stars Go-Cross was a welcome return to racing. The lack of racing had also provided time for the latest example of Duncan's artwork to heal properly! The seed of a HCTB tattoo had been planted some time at the end of last season and now realised thanks to the skills of David at Maganda Tatu. Last season we'd been commenting on how well the 'Running Man' (Erik I think we decided we'd call him, Roger's less well known but more CX successful brother) graphic worked across a variety of media and I reckoned it would even make a good tattoo. So here it is on a media that I don't think Dunc has had his work on before, unless he's keeping quiet about body painting the models at the cycle show ;-)

The course in Sheffield was a fast 'grass crit' affair, big ring, non technical but with a fun muddy bank up-down-up affair that proved easily ride-able with the 33mm Rhinos but seemed to be forcing a few people to run. There were no other 'Belgian representatives on the start line, though G and Winkie made a very welcome appearance together with their better halves Lizzy (+Rex) and Natalie to shout encouragement. After an average start I latched onto a leading group of five or so riders for the first couple of laps, felt fairly comfortable and moved up a couple of places. On the third lap I found I could ride past the others on the muddy bank by riding straight up then contouring across. There was a bit of a bike snarl up behind and all of a sudden I had a nice gap. After hammering it for a few laps on the grass and mud bank I was having one of those 'I can't believe no one has come back' sort of feelings, the chasing group still seemed a good 300-400 yards back and not gaining. And so it remained till the finish! Just found out as I'm writing this that there was a prize giving which I missed so apologies to Martin at Sheffield Stars CC

So first CX win for me and I think for the 'Belgians if crossjunkie is correct. I put it down to the tattoo and Sufferfest training videos (especially 'Revolver') which have made turbo and roller sessions a lot more 'fun'... actually if I'm honest the fact that the Mallory Park National Trophy race was on the same day probably helped to 'thin the field' a little ;-)
BTW Mark T I seem to recall in our original discussions last year some mention of a crate of Belgian beer? ;-)
Classy win Rich, against some Yorkshire 'notables'.
ReplyDeleteI am currently working out a way to 'spin' to my spouse the clear and real benefits of having a performance enhancing tatoo.
Schoolboy error though to miss the prize presentation when you are the winner. Must try harder....
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ReplyDeleteI gotta get me one of those!