All pics: Dave Haygarth
Finally, after over a month of inactivity due to a viral infection, I managed to race at Bolton. In fact it was here just over a month ago I came to a grinding halt and crawled over the line.
I absolutely loved the course the guys from Horwich had created and flowing in reverse made it feel like it was our first visit of the season.
Freezing temps failed to put people off and over 30 riders started the under 12's. Matt did his usual ride round without a care in the world - so layed back its untrue. But he is growing in confidence and his bike handling skills keep improving.
The best laid plans failed again, as Matt's race seemed to go on for ever leaving me a quick dash back to try to get some warmth back into my body.
I started right at the back as I was really unsure how I would go and I wanted to make sure I had at least a good workout. One thing I did get wrong was the lack of warm layers and as the sun began to set I started to feel really cold, so I wont make that mistake next weekend.
The conditions got worse as riders polished the surface and several corners began to catch riders out and I managed to slip straight into the barriers.
It was good to hear shouts from Matt and Georgia (my eldest) and several others dotted around the course and I really enjoyed being on the bike.
Addition of pics by crossjunkie:
Here Comes Duncan (clearly having too much fun)

There Goes Alan Crossjunkie (clearly taking it too seriously)

Looks like you guys were having fun. Glad you were able to get back out there and ride after all that time off.